
My Skoolie Saga - the process of turning a school bus into a mobile studio and traveling home.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Another hideously long day for both of us. Another day of triple digit temperatures. Another day of potential buyers endlessly streaming through my FULLY lighted house. Not that I'm complaining, mind. The house is getting a TON of play, and hopefully that will translate to a lovely sale, and soon. I'm mighty tired of constantly cleaning and living carefully, though. Ah well, soon I shall be a bonafide Gypsy, a Global Nomad yet again.

Growing up in travel mode has its benefits in times such as in the midst of selling a house. Living in Texas since 1979, I have been here longer than any other single place in my life, but pulling up roots hasn't been as difficult as I thought it might be. Will I miss my friends and neighbors? You better believe it. More than I care to contemplate. But the sincere hope is I'll find more people who have similar values, principles and interests in the Northwest than I ever have here. Texas has the most generous, kind people on the planet, that's just a basic fact. But our core values are really quite different, and making friends here has often been a shoehorn fit at best. My best friend here is from the Northwest and California, think of that. :-)

So while waiting for one tour and then another and another to pass through and judge our home, we worked on the bus. Short story? Peter finished the bed platforms, and we anchored the bed to them. All works as planned, and it is VERY exciting to again see one of my designs take shape. It's been awhile. There are a ton of photos at the Progress Gallery that explain the design far better than mere words, so take a look when you get a chance.

Other than the bed, I frosted the lower rear door window so it still allows light passage but no visual. Peter and I had another planning session in which we made some much-needed decisions about the next cabinetry slated to be built.

Ron is back from South Africa and I am THRILLED. Cannot WAIT to show him Ogg and take him for a ride! Hopefully he'll be over sometime today...