
My Skoolie Saga - the process of turning a school bus into a mobile studio and traveling home.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Anti-Inflammatories R Us

Okay, so I'm back from the land of the dead, aka: sleep. I am one whipped puppy this morning, Peter even more so, but with good reason, as he worked longer and harder than me. We are Decrepitude Personified. Time for chemical intervention...

Towanda got two coats of primer + Hy-Tech ceramic additive yesterday, and the white is SUCH an improvement over the stand skoolie yellow. I know I've raved on about the additive product before, but I can't stop myself...this stuff is GREAT! TOTALLY environmentally friendly - from the way it reduces energy needs through increased insulation to the fact that it simply isn't caustic on ANY level. This stuff is fabulous, and I want stock in the company!

Peter'd like to impart some wisdom here...when removing the sticky stuff under the reflective material, Peter sez "thank GOD for product on the planet!" He would also like folks to know that if you brush one coat on the edges, then roll two coats, the job is easier and gets a far better look than if just brushed or rolled.

One set of miserable mishaps the last couple of days...Peter repeated WHACKED his head on the bus, and I have confirmed from the itchy contact dermatitis that I am indeed allergic/sensitive to the HIGHLY caustic product, TSP. Great stuff in that it totally strips away any grease or dirt, prior to painting, but it does NOT agree with my system at ALL. After a bad experience in the house a year ago, I thought I would be okay around it if outside, but that's just not the case. I will NOT be having contact with TSP ever again.

Today, I mask the outside trim, start painting the inside with final gloss white, and Peter starts painting the lower parts of the bus with primer and you-know-what. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, but next week more good weather is predicted, so we'll finish up our painting sometime then. Tomorrow I REST...