
My Skoolie Saga - the process of turning a school bus into a mobile studio and traveling home.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Cody Found in Montana?!?

A friend searched the Net and found a Cody Gillespie of the about the right age. He's now a member of the Montana State University Northern Lights teams, and was the pass and punt winner! I feel like a proud parent somehow, and I can certainly see why someone wanted HIM for a Valentine! Good lookin' dude...

So today was pretty much a non-work day. In a lot of pain, so I needed rest. A nice man FINALLY came by and picked up the bus seats, so the driveway looks a little less trashy. Another tremendous storm last night, there are trees down and other evidence of microbursts all over the place. This time the hatches and windows of the bus were all WIDE open in an attempt to dry her out after the power washing episode. Surprisingly little moisture in the bus, which was a relief, and the very wet plywood in the corners was actually drier. I heard the storm, but was too tired and asleep to care.

Peter and I wandered up later this afternoon to do a little measuring and figuring, as he's trying very hard to understand my vision of the interior. Peter's one heck of a fine construction engineer, but visionary he ain't. I have to take some of the blame and say that I probably don't communicate my vision as well as I might, and I KNOW I get frustrated and impatient when he doesn't understand what seems so obvious to me.

The measuring and noodling while sitting in the bus resulted in a net gain of 6 inches off the bed, which is WAY cool. Peter came up with a terrific idea for another cabinet/bookcase.

I made contact with a welder who is willing to weld in trade for "anything of value." Not sure we can reach an accord yet, but I feel sure we can. Trouble is, one person's thing of value is another person's trash...or as Kliban put it, "One man's wife is another man's lover." Whatever happened to Kliban, anyway?

Tomorrow is another day.